Spring Breakers



The film Spring Breakers was directed by Harmony Korine and debuted in 2013. The plot of this film follows four girls. The girls Faith (Selena Gomez), Candy (Vanessa Hudgens), Brit (Ashley Benson), and Cotty (Rachel Korine) are eager to get away from the hustle and bustle of the college life and experience the outside world and a real college Spring Break but the girls must first prove how bad they really want this getaway when they realize they don’t have near enough funds for the trip. The girls quickly prove this when they rob a local restaurant after stealing one of their professors cars and burning it to the ground after completing the theft of their spring break money. After the girls make it to their spring break destination in Florida they are quickly faced with the reality of the real world when they are arrested for drug use and all thrown in jail all without any money to bail themselves out. But to the girls avail a local thug bails them out but with the intent on keeping the girls as his personal sidekicks in the drug crime that he makes his money and local fame from. The girls are soon faced with the dilemma of deciding if their safety is worth living out this dream of a never ending spring break, they must quickly decide to stay in their party paradise or return to the comforts of school and home and most of all safety. I watched this film in theaters yesterday after a few friends decided they wanted to see it I tagged along. The only thing I even somewhat liked about this film was I got a crack out of how ridiculously terrible it was at some points, the acting was terrible and the storyline was overall terrible also. But not every film we choose to see is always good so you win some you lose some. I would not recommend this film to anyone because it wasn’t worth the money in my opinion.

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